Once you have been given a job offer, it is essential that you apply for a work and residence permit in collaboration with the school administration. Separate rules may apply depending on your nationality. To apply and for more information please visit UDI.
If you are staying in Norway more than 6 months, you will have to register with the nearest National Registry. Depending on the length of your stay, the National Registry will provide you either a provisional ID number or a personal ID number. This document is essential to all official information and banking. The office is located in the same building as the tax office. For further information, see Skatteetaten.
Upon arrival you need to visit the local tax office to get a tax card to give to your employer. If the tax card is not handed in, your employer is obliged to tax you 50% until this is in place.
In Norway there is a system whereby all persons resident in Norway have the right to a general practitioner as their assigned doctor for all consultations. Once you have received your Personal ID number, you can apply for a general practitioner. For more information, see Helfo.
Wool clothing for cold days is essential according to the ones that have joined us from abroad.
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